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This function increases the number if vertices in a polygon or polyline by either adding vertices so that no edge is longer than a certain threshold, until the cardinality reaches a certain level, or by subdividing edges a specific number of times. Vertices are always inserted on the boundary so no change in the actual geometry is induced by the operation.


densify_poly(poly, max_dist = NULL, min_cardinality = NULL, n_splits = NULL)



A polyclid_polygon or polyclid_polyline vector


Either NULL or the maximum distance between consecutive vertices allowed after the densification


Either NULL or the lowest number of vertices in the resulting polygon. If an input polygon has a higher cardinality it is returned unchanged.


Either NULL or the number of new vertices to insert into every edge.


A vector of the same type and length as poly

See also

Other boundary resolution: simplify_poly()


poly <- polygon(
  c(391, 240, 252, 374, 289, 134, 68, 154, 161, 435, 208, 295, 421, 441),
  c(374, 431, 340, 320, 214, 390, 186, 259, 107, 108, 148, 160, 212, 303)
#> Error in polygon(c(391, 240, 252, 374, 289, 134, 68, 154, 161, 435, 208,     295, 421, 441), c(374, 431, 340, 320, 214, 390, 186, 259,     107, 108, 148, 160, 212, 303)): has not been called yet
#> Error in UseMethod("vert"): no applicable method for 'vert' applied to an object of class "function"

# Add 1 verice to each edges
euclid_plot(vert(densify_poly(poly, n_splits = 1)))
#> Error in densify_poly(poly, n_splits = 1): `poly` must be either a polygon or polyline vector

# Increase cardinality to 40
euclid_plot(vert(densify_poly(poly, min_cardinality = 40)))
#> Error in densify_poly(poly, min_cardinality = 40): `poly` must be either a polygon or polyline vector

# Make sure edges have at most a length of 100
euclid_plot(vert(densify_poly(poly, max_dist = 100)))
#> Error in densify_poly(poly, max_dist = 100): `poly` must be either a polygon or polyline vector